Prepare for the hottest job in the tech age with a Data Science Masters Degree
Month 1 - 7 | Online.
Month 8 - 11 | online
Month 12 - 16 | Project / Online.
Total duration of master programme is 16 months. Intakes: November Average course load is 12-20 hours per week.
9000 Euros. Installments and Deferred Tuition Available.
You are able to defer your tuition up to 5 years until you get a job. In order to take part, you pay a small Community Membership Fee of 99 Euros a month - and pay your tuition when you can.
Use Python to manipulate, analyze and visualize data.
Import data from various different sources.
Convert raw data into a form ready for analysis. Implement data manipulation techniques prior to analysis.
Explore large sets of data. Communicate and present visually critical data-driven
Apply statistical method to infer meaning from data and test hypotheses.
Build predictive models on structured and unstructured data. Determine the right approach to solve problems and find an optimal solution.
I would call Amsterdam Tech’s education model as a new lifestyle education, and that’s what I like about being a part of Amsterdam Tech
I chose Amsterdam Tech because of its flexibility that it provides me to do my job as well as continue my studies